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Get Involved

Become a member, join the Board, attend an event, participate in a survey ... 




building membership & electing new board members


NEMSPA sponsors and participates in conferences around the country all through the year. 

We have booths, education classes, information sessions, and participate in industry councils, projects, and discussions at each one.

building membership & electing new board members

We have open spots on our Board and need motivated individuals to sign up!

We are working to grow our membership base so tell everyone you know about NEMSPA! Invite them to our view new website & to follow us on social media.

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The nomination period for the National EMS Pilots Association's annual Pilot of the Year Award and the William T Winn Lifetime Achievement Award is now open until August 30, 2019


Become a NEMSPA Board Member

NEMSPA is growing and we need more Board Members!


We are looking for motivated, dedicated individuals to serve on the Board of Directors.  Active NEMSPA members interested in being considered for one of the open positions below, please complete the Board Member Candidacy Form or email us with questions. 


Now is your chance to help drive the direction and future of the National EMS Pilots Association!  If you are interested in involvement on any level, we have a job that's just right for you!




GENERAL MANAGER *does not have to meet active/eligibility requirements



All Board Members are elected to 2 year terms and are expected to attend monthly conference calls. All Board Members must be considered Active and Eligible.​

  • ACTIVE: Any individual PILOT who is actively performing the duties of a pilot for air medical transport of sick and injured patients.

  • ELIGIBILITY: All board members must be voting members with their membership in good standing.


PRESIDENT The president is the chief executive officer of the corporation and shall have the responsibility for the daily operation of the corporation. He shall preside over all meetings of the board and membership meetings, shall implement all decrees of the board, and shall represent the corporation in all legal and business matters. In addition, the president may sign, execute and deliver in the name of the corporation, all deeds, mortgages, bonds, contracts or other instruments that are not specifically reserved for the board of directors or prohibited by these bylaws.


SECRETARY  The secretary shall act as secretary of, and keep the minutes of all meetings of the board and of the members; he shall cause to be given notice of all meetings of the members and directors; he shall be custodian of the seal of the corporation and shall affix the seal, or cause it to be affixed, to all documents the execution of which on behalf of the corporation under its seal shall have been specifically or generally authorized by the board.

The secretary shall have charge of the books, records and papers of the corporation relating to its organization as a corporation, and shall see that the records, statements and documents required by law are properly kept or filed; and shall in general perform all duties as are assigned to him by these bylaws, and he shall have other powers and perform such other duties, not inconsistent with these bylaws, as the board shall from time to time prescribe.


TREASURER  The treasurer shall have charge and custody of, and be responsible for, all the funds and securities of the corporation and shall keep or cause to be kept, full and accurate accounts of all receipts, disbursements, credits and debits in books belonging to the association. He shall supervise and be responsible for all monies, valuables and assets of the corporation and credits owing to the corporation. The treasurer shall also prepare an annual budget and report on the financial condition of the corporation to the membership at the annual meeting and to the board of directors as requested. He will perform all other duties associated with the office of treasurer.


GENERAL BOARD MEMBER  The affairs of the association shall be managed by the board of directors.

The board shall consist of 12 members including the executive officers. The board of directors may, upon adoption of a resolution by a majority of the directors present at a meeting which a quorum is present, charter committees for specified purposes. Any committee so created shall be chaired by a director or a person eligible to be a director. Committees so created shall be advisory only and shall present the results of their work, along with recommendations for specific action, to the board of directors.


GENERAL MANAGER  The general manager works alongside the board of directors, ensuring the corporation is being run efficiently and within proposed budgets. The general manager typically coordinates conference planning and travel accommodations, can own or contribute social media updates and marketing/publicity, is responsible, along with treasurer, for financial decisions and documentation. *The general manager role does not require being in an active Air Medical pilot position.

board member candidacy submission

Please scroll up to see requirements and descriptions

*must be member in good standing & current EMS pilot* 

Position Interest(s) *

Required- Upload your resume

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Board Member Form
Be on Our Board

National EMS Pilots Association

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