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The National EMS Pilots Association is the only professional association in the US that is dedicated to the representation and professional development of EMS pilots. NEMSPA is positioned to serve as a voice for pilots in the air medical transport industry, and within state and federal governmental agencies that oversee and regulate air medical operations in the US.


Members and our Board of Directors discuss and collaborate on identifying the issues that are of great importance to air medical pilots and programs, and work to develop and suggest mitigations to the industry as a whole. Members take part, in various ways, to our primary purpose - the advancement of operational safety and the professional development of pilots.


Membership Benefits:

  • Connection to colleagues across the industry​

  • Participation in polls and surveys. Your input helps to:

    • Identify key issues in operational safety

    • Shed light on where we should focus professional development

    • Spread the word about tools and processes that work well or should be improved​

  • Subscription to the Air Medical Journal

    • NEMSPA contributes content in these publications - submit an idea - you could be a published author!​

  • ​Be a part of programs, studies, summits, and publications 

  • Vote for candidates for the Board of Directors (*Full and Group memberships only)

  • Transition to EMS program* 

    • Pilots leaving their current industry who are interested in becoming EMS pilots​ receive information and support on how best to transition:

      • Update your resume! Learn how your military, fire, police, oil & gas, etc. experience translates to EMS requirements

      • What to expect - working with medical crews, types of aircraft, hours ...

      • Contacts in your area of the country

      • Opportunity to network at national conferences

*New pilots and students still in training​ can take advantage of these resources as well, to plan for a future in the air medical industry​​


Choose Your Membership Plan

  • Best Value

    Full Membership

    Every year
    Full-Any active rotor/fixed wing pilot flying Air Medical
    • 1 year membership
    • Subscription to Air Medical Journal (AMJ)
    • Right to vote for candidates for NEMSPA Board of Directors
  • Affiliate Membership

    Every year
    Affiliate-Open to anyone interested in Air Medical Transport
    • 1 year membership
    • Subscription to Air Medical Journal (AMJ)
  • International Member

    Every year
    Intl - Non-US affiliate membership
    • 1 year membership
    • Subscription to Air Medical Journal (AMJ)
    • Increased membership fee due to int'l shipping of AMJ

National EMS Pilots Association

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