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NEW SURVEY! Fatigue in Helicopter EMS Pilots

Updated: Mar 30, 2021

ATTENTION: The Survey has been fixed and link is available below

Dear EMS Pilot,

We are conducting a brief research study on helicopter EMS pilots, titled Fatigue in Helicopter EMS Pilots, and we invite you to participate. We received your name and contact information from the National EMS Pilots Association (NEMSPA). The study will involve you filling out a survey on the following pages. The survey is completely anonymous. As a professional EMS Helicopter pilot, your experience and perspective is crucial towards defining any problems of fatigue in EMS Pilots.

This survey is voluntary and anonymous. You may refuse to answer any question. Your answers to the survey questions will not be used in any personal or professional evaluation. No confidential information will be collected. This survey should take approximately 5 minutes to complete. Completion of the survey will indicate consent to participation and use of the anonymous data generated from this survey.

You must be 18 years or older to participate in this study. All publications and presentations stemming from data collected for this study will report on the findings in the aggregate. This survey study is not supported by any grant or commercial entity. The risks of participation include a risk of breach of privacy, but this risk is minimal, as all data is anonymous. Data will be collected and stored via REDCap, a secured online system for research data collection.

To begin the survey, please follow the link. You will be allowed to start and stop the survey as needed. There is no remuneration offered.

Dr. Cohen, the PI of this study, is the Chief Medical Officer of Boston Medflight, an organization that provides emergency medical transportation services, including helicopter transportation. In accordance with Partners HealthCare's conflict of interest policies, the Partners Office for Interactions with Industry has reviewed Dr. Cohen's financial interest in the company and has determined that the interest creates no significant risk to the welfare of participants in this study or to the integrity of the research. If you would like more information about this, please contact the Partners Office for Interactions with Industry at 857-282-2024. If you’d like to speak to someone not involved in this research about your rights as a research subject, or any concerns or complaints you may have about the research, contact the Partners Human Research Committee at (857) 282-1900.

Thank you in advance for your participation.

Tovy Kamine, MD

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National EMS Pilots Association

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